Thursday, September 3, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Task Example It additionally includes sharing vision and the heading making it a common learning process for both the administrator and the agent; in this way, it is an incredible worker strengthening apparatus. Designation is a legitimate aptitude for directors at various levels since it includes working with the representatives to build up objectives by giving the considerable opportunity on how such objectives ought to be acknowledged (Jha, 2004; Pratt, 1997; Elsig, 2011). Appointment is regularly unique formwork coordinating since it doesn't include advising the worker how to play out a particular assignment. In designation, the worker chooses the way wherein to perform explicit undertaking and this puts forth a valiant effort, which can likewise be valuable in checking his capacities. This makes the workers fells significant since he feels engaged with the administration and dynamic of the organization and this can be acceptable learning apparatus for representatives to improve their aptitud es. Assignment can likewise be a test to businesses since it includes giving control and certainty to the capacity of others without knowing whether they will mess or perform well with the errand depended with them. Designation causes administrators to let loose a decent time and to participate in other helpful administration exercises. This encourages the director to decrease his remaining task at hand with the goal that he can take part in different territories for quicker business process. Designation is additionally significant in encouraging great connection between the administrator and the subordinate a condition vital compelling creation process (Donado et al, 2008). This gives the subordinates the room and space to investigate their gifts accordingly thriving their capacities causing them to feel significant consequently. With such trust upon the workers, they feel happy with their occupations and thusly increment the profitability of the organization. The dreariness gotten through designation is significant for abilities improvement by the subordinates with the goal that they can investigate different fields in look for new gifts and aptitudes (Mitchelle, 2000). In any case, in spite of these various advantages of designation, the researchers have not concentrated on the negative impacts of assignment in the administration. Such minor negative impacts can likewise have a huge impact to the administration and productivity of an association ought to be known. This might be because of absence of thoughts on the best way to play out the undertaking assigned and negative disposition of the representative (Sengul et al, 2004) Research question To investigate the negative impacts of appointment of obligations to the subordinates To decide the degree in which the administration delegate obligations Methodology Qualitative exploration configuration will be utilized to look for important data that will have the option to clarify the negative outcomes of design ation of obligations. The exploration configuration will be centered around the negative results, which rise structure assignment of obligations to the subordinate particularly in the organization set up. I will structure a poll, which will be planned in a way to address the exploration questions. The testing strategy will be shut and open-finished polls, which will be deliberately planned by the examination goals. This will empower us acquire an assortment of reactions structure respondents structure various degrees of the board. The investigation will be centered around laborers and chiefs who are associated with appointment process in their everyday exercises. The investigation will concentrate on 500 organization laborers structure five unique organizations in various districts so as to think of a delegate test vital for this examination.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Automotive Fuel Vehicles :: essays research papers

Motivators AND LAWS The principle government motivating forces for the buy or transformation of individual elective fuel vehicles (AFVs) are the bureaucratic annual assessment conclusions of $2,000-$50,000 for clean fuel vehicles, and the personal duty credit of up to $4,000 for electric vehicles (EVs). An annual expense conclusion is additionally accessible for the establishment of refueling or energizing offices for AFVs. Aside from the government charge credits and derivations, the majority of the bureaucratic motivating forces are automatic awards situated toward enormous ventures, for example, framework and bigger buys. The lead government offices for AFV programs are the U.S. Branch of Treasury (i.e., IRS), the U.S. Division of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Branch of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Ecological Protection Agency (EPA). Government Tax Deduction This is a reasoning for clean fuel vehicles and certain refueling properties. An expense reasoning for the acquisition of another unique hardware producer (OEM) qualified clean fuel vehicle, or for the change of a vehicle to utilize a spotless consuming fuel, is given under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), Public Law-102-486, Title XIX-Revenue Provisions, Sec. 179A. Electric Vehicle Tax Credit.A charge credit for the acquisition of qualified EVs and half breed electric vehicles (HEVs) is given under EPAct Public Law-102-486, . The size of the credit is 10% of the expense of the vehicle, up to a greatest credit of $4,000. Starting in 2001, the size of the credit is diminished by 25% every year until the credit is completely eliminated. To fit the bill for the credit, the vehicle must be controlled fundamentally by an electric engine. Clean Cities Program DOE's Clean Cities Program facilitates willful endeavors between privately based government and industry to quicken the utilization of elective powers and grow AFV refueling foundation. Government Incentives EPAct builds up a motivator program for the acquisition of AFVs and change of ordinary gas vehicles to elective fills. Through government charge motivators, organizations and private people can balance a bit of the steady expenses related with the buy or change of an AFV. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 The Clean Air Act (CAA) was passed in 1970 to improve air quality across the nation. Congress altered the law in 1990, passing the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) and in this way making a few activities to strengthen one of the first objectives of the CAA to lessen versatile source toxins.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Shark Attacks Essays -- Sharks Ocean Life Attacks Essays

Shark Attacks The genuine assaults are chiefly by four species. The Bull shark. the Tiger, the Great White and the Oceanic Whitetip shark. The Gray Nurse (Sand Tiger) and the Bronze Whaler have for a long time been accused for some assaults however it appears to be about all were mixed up character. The Gray Nurse is presently ensured in many States in Australia. The Great White is the biggest and has a high level of deadly assaults. The Bull shark is liable for a ton of assaults on swimmers and individuals in shallow water. From reports it appears to be a ton of these assaults were just one chomp however an enormous level of the casualties kicked the bucket of blood misfortune and stun. It is probably going to be the universes number one executioner shark on swimmers. I have known about a great deal of experiences with scuba jumpers yet have so far been not able to discover any assaults. The Tiger shark ordinarily spends light hours in profound water and comes into shallow zones around reefs and coastline during the night. It has been liable for countless passings. This incorporates swimmers, surfers and scuba jumpers. Numerous jumpers swim with these sharks with no issue yet a huge Tiger shark is more than equipped for slaughtering a human. In general, there are not many lethal assaults on scuba jumpers. I have not had the option to locate any in the course of the most recent twenty years with the exception of one out of 1991 and two out of 1993. Amusingly these were both around the same time. They were all by Great White sharks. As indicated by the book, Shark Attacks by Mac Mc Diarmid, 9 out of 10 shark assaults occur inside 1.6 meters of the surface. 33% of assaults are deadly. Most casualties are male. Despite the fact that there have been not many deadly assaults on scuba jumpers, there have been many on spearfisherman and abalone jumpers. A significant number of these deadly assaults have happened in South Australia in zones notable for Great Whites. Abalone jumpers about consistently work in zones where seals are available and the water is cool. This is perfect for drawing in the Great White. Add to this the way that they invest a huge energy in the water and it is a catastrophe waiting to happen. It was seen in California USA, that Abalone jumpers were just assaulted north of Point Conception. It was later found that the law in North California didn't permit abalone jumpers to utilize scuba gear, which implied they invested considerably more energy at the surface. In southern California scuba was allowed! Spearfishing has two significant... ... with hostage dolphins. The dolphins were bottlenose dolphins- - there were 5 in the unit, one of which was a calf. So it could be a female unit. At the point when the three individuals went into the water, they swam with the dolphins without balances or covers - so they were not as deft submerged as they could have been, nor as prepared the same number of individuals are the point at which they are swimming with hostage or single dolphins. Martin was disregarded in the water (his decision). The dolphins at first vanished on him. Martin saw the shark assault him from the profundities. He said he was chomped multiple times. In one of the assaults, Martin said that he punched the shark on the nose. We don't yet have the foggiest idea about the types of the shark. The specialists in the Egyptian emergency clinic in El Tur said that it was just one shark and by the size of the chomp marks, they trust it was between 4-5 meters (we are searching for somebody who is an expert to help distinguish the species from the nibble wounds). It was the dolphins' decision to return and to support Martin. They were not near him at the hour of the assault. They most likely faced some challenge to do this, as there was a calf in their case. They were not taken care of by the vessel. Much thanks to you for perusing my paper.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Childhood Obesity in African American Population - 2475 Words

Childhood Obesity in African American Population (Essay Sample) Content: Childhood Obesity in African American Population NameInstitutionDateThe obstacles that thwart childrens access to quality meals pose such children to potential risk of obesity and malnutrition. This has very serious implications to the wellbeing of Americas posterity. To curb this problem, The House Education and Labor Committee released a legislation to increase child nutrition levels into Americas population known as Improving Nutrition for Americas Children Act. The program is aims at reducing child hunger; improve quality of foods sold to children in schools and to promote education for nutrition. Communities at risk of overweight due to reduced access to healthy and quality foods stand to benefit most.Since 1980, the number of obese children has risen rapidly and currently, there are as many as thrice three times they were then. Child obesity somewhat seems to have a prevalence to some communities. According to Sonia 2010, the rate of child obesity in African-Am ericans stands at 35.9 percent while at only 29.3 percent in the white population. Child obesity prevalence rises faster in African-American populations than in their white counterparts. For instance in the years between 1986 and 1998, there has been more than a 120 percentage increase in racial groups while only a 50 percent growth was reported in the whites population (Sekhar, 2010).Obesity exposes people to higher risks of cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes type 2 and joint dislocations. Productivity is lost in obese adults and hundreds of billions get used up in settling health care plans for such people. In the long run, obesity can be dismal in overall public health service and especially, on the economic aspect. Disparities in the prevalence could have devastating effects to the countrys economy as the minority populations are expected to grow to half the population by the year 2050. By reducing the obesity levels, the overall cost will be minimal (Sekhar, 2010).House Educati on and Labor Committee identify eating patterns and access to quality food choices as the main reason behind the rapid increase in obesity levels. Other factors that come to the play are environmental factors such as low quality built environment leading to a state of low physical activities; culturally induced attitudes about body mass and abridged access to basic health care. Income, culture and other social dynamics are variables factors (Sekhar, 2010)..NAACP Childhood Obesity Advocacy program is another program developed to address the issue of obesity in children. NAACP identifies obesity as the most important issue to address in social circles. Its policy address on of the three main policies that lead rapid increase in obesity: built environment; food environment and school-based policies (HELP US CURB CHILDHOOD OBESITY).Ultimately, the program aims at changing the policies to help in alleviating the problem of obesity among African-American children. NAACP discourages the n otion that obesity is genetically inherited rather it is due poor social behaviors. Built environment is one of the areas to start with when dealing with the obesity issue. Most American neighborhoods are set in a way that prevents physical activities e.g. schools that do not endorse physical activities and that have limited access to quality foods from the community. Culturally, African-Americans are less likely to perceive themselves as overweight compared to their white counterparts. Many women tend to be satisfied with their overweight bodies and perceive themselves attractive. The perception will only change when the person becomes overweight. To develop the right weight of a particular person, there need to be a perception on the current weight of a person.Both advocate programs have some attributes that make the programs effective. However, the programs have not been able to successfully solve the problem of obesity in the African American populace. Improving Nutrition for Am ericas Children Act has taken several measures to try and solve the problem. For instance, it expands the Afterschool meal to many states in America and also supports for improvement in the certification for school meals. In addition to that, it also enhances the quality of food served in school-based meals as well as preschool settings. Out of school, the advocacy program has also setup strategies to help it to achieve its goals. Afterschool meals programs run in 13 states which work as a pilot for other states. It also creates a super program through the National School Lunch Program to eliminate the bureaucracies involved in getting the food to the consumers. NAACP effectiveness is attributed to a series of its advocacy programs. First, to solve problems of obesity associated with built environment, it advocates for an improved public transportation system, enhanced recreational activities, better access to schools playgrounds outside the normal school hours and an improved schoo l program to give the children more breaks in between classes. Secondly an improved access to healthy food in the food stores and the grocery stores was also another attribute that led to its effectiveness. Lastly, the school based policies had to be affected to accommodate the trending changes. In the school based policies, there would be increased involvement of the students in physical activities as well as provision to more nutritious foods in and out of school.Even though the policies have been effective, there are still a large number of children from the African American population reported to be overweight or obese. Below are some few policies that could change in order to increase the efficiency of the programs. The two programs are highly inclined to the general population health care. As we have seen earlier, obesity has prevalence in the minority African Americans who compared with their white counterparts had a higher percentage of obese. To increase the efficiency of t he programs, there are few policies that would need an overhaul.Both advocacy programs do not put much concern on the socioeconomic status of the groups that are prone to obesity. The food policy would be of much benefit if quality food was made available at a lower rate than the cheaper food which puts the populations at a higher risk of obesity. For instance, even as the advocacy programs try to address the problem of access to quality food, accessibility is thwarted by the low income the affected populations get.Reducing the number of obese people, it would require one to consider several aspects of the cause of the problem. It would also need one to be aware of the disparities in respect to race and income as some of the most contributing factors towards developing an effective approach to the problem. The most fundamental goal of health care is to expand coverage to Americans and reduce health racial and ethnic disparities among other factors that may affect provision of qualit y services. Most advocacy programs provide very strong foundations for addressing the issue in childhood obesity but they hardly focus on the issues of race and ethnicity as factors to consider while implementing an advocacy program. Conversely, the implementers of the advocacy programs have access to data form different arms of the health sector with which to base their programs in. To understand the issue of health disparities, a better method of collecting data may be needed to equip the policy makers with enough evidence and estimates of the populations affected most. Understanding health disparity issues will inform the decisions made inclusive of wellness and prevention programs that help reduce the levels and also slow down the rate at which the African Americans are becoming obese. Some of the issues leading to obesity are related to culture of a particular group of people. There is a high necessity to address the issue of culture without necessarily having to change the wa y of a people. What would be endorsed here is a dynamic culture that would rationally relate some of the conventions to what needs to be done away with. One of the best ways to reduce obesity in regard to racial disparity is to first reduce the socioeconomic and geographical factors that impede access to better services. Higher weight rates and low exercise rates are common among groups of people with large numbers of obese people. Wellness programs for the affected communities should be highly endorsed in their policies (The Significance of Childhood Obesity in Communities of Color). In developing the advocacy program to focus on obesity through the racial disparity perspectives, there are numerous attributes that can be borrowed from previous policies. These attributes will help with the effectiveness of the advocacy program. These attributes would be selected towards achieving reducing the number of obese people. They are as follows: The first attribute will be based on factors l imited by the environment. NAACP attributes obesity to being caused primarily by physical inactivity due to environmental factors such as lack of play areas. Most African Americans live sedentary lives especially as age advances. Therefore, encouraging them to take part in physical exercises is a step towards preventing obesity in the populations. This is because sedentary lifestyles results to a body using way less calories than is produced in the body.Expansion of the health advocacy programs to more than one state is fundamental for assessing the effectiveness of an advocacy program. Improving Nutrition for Americas Children Act advocacy programs spreads in more than one state. By doing so, there is a significant effect and one can assess what works and what does not work when you compare the statistics of different areas under the same program. Both advocacy programs, NAAC and Imp...

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Stigma Of Mental Illness Essay - 1899 Words

Mental Illness is a universal health issue which causes mass amounts of suffering amongst the general population. It can become a majorly debilitating when subjected to a psychiatric illness, however, this is not entirely due to the undesirable symptoms from the conditions themselves but also the stigma that’s inherently linked to the label of being â€Å"mentally ill†. The negatively stigmatized views cause shame, ostracism, and marginalization among the mentally ill and some even describe the consequences of stigma as being worse than the condition its self (The, 2016). Because of this, those in need of help often refrain from seeking treatment in order to avoid being diagnosed and becoming susceptible to the stigma associated with the label. It’s estimated that in any given year 30% of the global population will be affected by a mental health disorder and two-thirds of these people will not seek the care that they require (Ngui, Khasakhala, Ndetei Roberts, 20 10). Stigma has been shown to be a clear barrier that is partly responsible for this lack of help-seeking behavior (Wrigley, Jackson, Judd Komiti, 2005). Therefore, health organizations need to look at anti-stigma programs that break down these barriers that restrict the mentally ill from seeking treatment. Stigma occurs through the labeling of an individual as undesirable due to certain abnormal characteristics they acquire. In the case of mental illness psychiatric symptoms, social skill deficits, and physicalShow MoreRelatedMental Illness And Its Stigma1363 Words   |  6 PagesMental Illness and Its Stigma â€Å"One in five adults in America experience mental illness,† (Mental Health, n.d., para 1). Many people define mental illness as a characteristic that makes one irrational or delusional and derives a belief that those who have mental disorders are not suffering from a real disease, resulting in a negative view of those who suffer. There are three ways to defy this stigma that everyone, from media producers to the sufferers themselves, must participate in to break downRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness Essay1657 Words   |  7 Pagesor older, live with mental illness. This number represents 18.1% of all U.S. adults (National Institute of Mental Health, 2014). Stigma toward those who are seen as different have existed for as long as civilization itself, with the stigma for mental illness being one of the most prominent and long lasting that society has had to face throughout its ages (Arboleda-Florez Stuart, 2012). Increased understanding and awareness for those individ uals suffering from mental illness is necessary for usRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1599 Words   |  7 PagesPeople suffering from mental illness and other problems are often the most discriminated, socially excluded, stigmatized, and vulnerable members of the society. They have to constantly struggle and face a double problem. Firstly, they have to struggle with the symptoms of the mental illness itself. They may face with problems such as illusions, delusions, hallucinations and other symptoms, which depend on a particular mental disorder. These symptoms do not allow the person to live a satisfactoryRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1745 Words   |  7 PagesThe majority of people that have a severe mental illness are object to challenges in double measure. From one point of view, they wrestle with the symptoms and disablement that result from the illness. From another point, they are tested by the stereotypes and preconceived ideas that stem from the misunderstanding s about mental illness. As a culmination of both, people with a mental illness are stripped of the chances that define a quality life such as a good job, safe housing, adequate health careRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness2582 Words   |  11 Pagesplans provided coverage for mental health services to the same extent as physical health services, if they were covered at all. The reasons for the discrimination in health insurance vary, but mental illnesses historically have not been well understood by the public, and people have had a hard time understanding that mental illnesses are biologically based diseases that affect the mind and body just like any other disease that has solely physical manifestations. A stigma is said to occur when peopleRead MoreThe Stigma of Mental Illness1656 Words   |  7 Pagesdiagnosis might exacerbate the stigma of mental illness. In Corrigan’s study clinical diagnosis adds groupness for the collection of people with mental illness which wo rsens the level of prejudice (Corrigan 34). Corrigan states that this ultimately leads to overgeneralization, as there is an assumption that all individuals diagnosed with the same mental disorders behave the same way (Corrigan 34). According to Corrigan the stereotypic description of mental illness perceives to the public that, peopleRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness984 Words   |  4 PagesSo how do we eliminate the stigma on mental illness that has been shaped and formed fo1r centuries? Now that we know the role mental health plays in our society and how it affects people who suffer from it. We must find a way to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with this term. I propose the first step to solving this issue is through the media education and information. The media, from new to movies, plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of young people and even adults. Media hasRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1042 Words   |  5 PagesBreak the Stigma In today’s society we are becoming more aware of the way our words or judgement can hurt others. However, there’s still a lot of stigma around mental illness. This judgement we have towards people with mental illness is what keeps some of them from seeking the help they need. The stigma isn’t just from those without mental illness though. People with mental illness often have their own stigmas as well. We need to come together and show men and women with mental illness that it isRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1602 Words   |  7 Pagescenturies have seeked to improve care and reduce stigma around those with mental illness. This began in 1942, when Harry Truman signed the National Mental Health Act, which requested the formation of a National Institute of Mental Health. Shortly after this, in 1949, the National Institute of Mental Health was established (â€Å"National Institute of Mental Health†). During the company’s 60 year lifespan they h ave focused on research about mental illness, educating the public, and improving the lives ofRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1212 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiencing symptoms of mental illness. Patients suffering a physiological illness rarely hear these words, but they have begun to sound like a broken record to the mentally ill. Everyone sympathizes with the stomach, the liver, the eye, and many other organs in the body when they begin to malfunction, but no one sympathizes with the brain. It is unimaginable and almost abominable for the brain to get sick. Mental illness is probably the most misconstrued and trivialized illness, and this misconception

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should The Us Stop Using The Death Penalty - 1599 Words

Should the US stop using the death penalty? Capital punishment is a legal authorization to kill someone for a crime they have committed. The death penalty has been the highest form of criminal punishment in the American judicial system since the 13 colonies. It has taken the form of hanging, stoning, drowning, burning, beheading, gassing, electrocution, and injection. The taking of a man s life as penance for criminal behavior is wrong. The moral injustice of murder, the cruelty of execution, and the death of innocent men are all concerns that make the death penalty wrong. Our society has taught children that violence is not the answer and yet our highest form of punishment is executing someone which does not solve anything, nor does it fix a problem. The United States should abolish the death penalty due to execution of innocent people, excessive cost and it is against the US constitution. The US capital punishment system is unreliable. Many innocent people have been wrongfully conv icted and have been executed. In this particular case, Ray Krones was proven innocent at last minute. Krones gave a testimony about how the criminal justice department wrongfully convicted him then at the end they showed proof that he was truly innocent. At first a police officer questioned him if he had killed the maid of a bar where he plays darts at and Krones responded that he didn’t. Later on in the investigation, the medical department found evidence that the mark on the maids’ bodyShow MoreRelatedDeath Penalty Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesThe death penalty or capital punishment is an issue that has sparked controversy and anxiety in today’s society. Capital punishment refers to â€Å"a sentence of death by execution†, for the crimes committed. In order to receive the death penalty an individual needs to commit certain types of crimes known as â€Å"capital crimes† or â€Å"capital offences†. Capital crimes include treason, perjury, kidnapping, rape, terrorism and murder. Today, executions are carried out by either a lethal injection or electrocutionRead MoreEssay on Death Penalty Pros and Cons582 Words   |  3 Pageswhat its called death penalty. United Stated is one of the six nations that commonly continue with this dramatic scenario (Human Rights).Debates and political issues have been put into effect to stop this cruel and inhuman punishment. Since early years people have the belief of killing each other to solve their problem; whats the idea of slaughter if pain would not be applicable? We should keep them breathing to make them suffer the same way they cause the suffer ness of us or other people. Read MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Repealed915 Words   |  4 PagesThe Death Penalty Should Be Repealed The death penalty is a punishment of execution for a criminal that has convicted a serious crime. Crime rates go up throughout the years, but still the death penalty is not a way to find a solution to the world’s problems. Due that the death penalty costs more than sending a criminal to prison for 40 years, does not stop any form of crime, but it just increases it, and it is not a satisfying form of punishment. Therefore, the death penalty should be removed!Read MoreCapital Punishment : A Critical Evaluation1288 Words   |  6 Pagespeople regarding the death punishment? Edward I. Koch has in his article â€Å"Death and Justice† clearly and efficiently expressed his support towards the death penalty and he has thoroughly looked at both the sides of the argument and shown his support accordingly. Edward I. Koch earned a law degree from New York University in 1948 and practiced law in New York City from 1949 to 1968 (handout). This made him a very credible to be able to critique about the term â€Å"death penalty†. â€Å"Death and Justice† was publishedRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Allowed1288 Words   |  6 Pagesit that the United States is still using this type of punishment that was used over Eighteenth Centuries ago? it should have been abolished. The death penalty is not effective at all and it does not show who Americans truly are. If the United States does not put a stop to the death penalty then we are just like any other country. The time is now to do something about this cruel and inhuman act Americans need to stand together and put a stop to the death penalty I have spent days on the databaseRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Complex Issue924 Words   |  4 Pagespunishment is a complex issue with many different opinions and viewpoints. Deciding whether a person should be punished by death is not a trivial ordeal nor should it be treated as such. How do you know when a crime is punishable by death or not? â€Å"A popular bumper sticker says, ‘We kill people to show people that killing people is wrong’† (Carmical). This slogan misses the idea that the death penalty does not chastise people for killing, but for murder. Murder is the purposeful action of killing anotherRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Enforced803 Words   |  4 Pages The Death Penalty One in twenty five. â€Å"One in twenty five people executed are innocent† (Zelman). Innocent lives have been taken because of a problem with a simple solution. The death penalty impacts lives, and that impact is permanent. There is no going back. Knowing about the death penalty and the negatives that it has can help shed some light on the reality of capital punishment. The death penalty should not be enforced. This is to protect the wrongfully accused, the victims of prejudiceRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is It Ever Justified?958 Words   |  4 Pageswere written about the death penalty. Throughout this essay I will be using examples from multiple sources. Marie Cartier â€Å"Right to Life vs Right to A Life†, Edward Koch â€Å"The Death Penalty: Is it Ever Justified?†, David Bruck â€Å"The Death Penalty† which is a direct response to Koch, and lastly Zachary Shemtob and David Lat â€Å" Should Executions Be Televised†. It should also be state d that when talking about the value of life, this author is referring to the criminal, on death row for murder. As insensitiveRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1708 Words   |  7 Pagescenturies taking the life of guilty convicts to bring justice to the people. However, many people see the death penalty as a brutal action which no human should have to face, guilty or innocent. After the death penalty travelled around the world, it became very popular in America leading to many Supreme Court cases and protests. Endlessly, people have argued their viewpoints about whether the death penalty is constitutional in relation to the 8th amendment which states no â€Å"cruel or unusual† punishment. PoliticiansRead MoreCapital Punishment Essay1136 Words   |  5 Pagesfacts about the death penalty. I intend to explore the question whether capital punishment should be reintroduced. To illustrate my viewpoints on the subject, I will be using a lot of facts about countries that still have this punishment, also some bad and good reasons why we should or shouldnt have it. In some ways I believe in capital punishment for people who have done wrong and know what they are doing. However also I dont think the death penalty should be used on people

Summary of Core Readings for Environmental Education-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theSummary of Core Readings for Environmental Education. Answer: The article revolves around the understanding of sustainability. Its introduction gives a brief knowledge of sustainability concerning three-dimensional interconnected webs of life forms and energy flow. According to the article, sustainability is described as processes or systems that operate on their own for an extended period. Systems, on the other hand, are a well-organized interconnection of elements (Heinberg, Lerch, 2010). An example of a complete system is earth, which has some interconnected systems within it. Systems have several characteristics, but the main one is that there are no wastages in a system. The energy and products go round in a closed cycle over the time, where refuse of one creature becomes dependent food for another. As per the article, the main pillars of sustainability are the triple bottom lines or the three Es. The first E stands for the environment which is supposed to be conserved for the healthy working of the system. The second E represents economic which means for the systems to survive; there must be an equal distribution of resources where every individual can meet his or her basic human needs (Kuhlman, Farrington, 2010). The last E stands for equity or the social equity. Equity is equal access to healthcare, food, water, and employment. However, extinction of species and high population pressure are some of the major problems experienced. Concerning this core reading, several ideas can be used to support the arguments of the essay. First, the definition of sustainability is concise and coherent thus the idea can be used in describing what the term sustainability is in the essay. Another important idea from the core reading is that sustainability has the various characteristics (Scheirer, 2005). Thus, while describing sustainability in the essay, its features are essential to mention. Lastly, like any other things, sustainability has its challenges. High population and extinction of species can come handy in explaining the problems facing sustainability.Core reading two: Herremans, I. M., Reid, R. E. (2002). Developing awareness of the sustainability concept. The Journal of Environmental Education, 34(1), 16-20. The article by Herremans and Reid affirm that all the educators have the mandate to make students competent environment citizens as providers of goods and services that are environmentally friendly (Herremans, Reid, 2002). Therefore, the article discusses a technique that can be introduced in the classroom to help students fully recognize, understand and implement the idea of sustainability. It presents and discusses sustainability triad as a method of teaching sustainability issues in the classroom. A short case of a park is used in the article to determine if the three central concepts of sustainability are in harmony or they are conflicting. However, the article incorporates two of the three dimensions as suggested by the School Council in the councils environment project. According to the councils suggestions, students are supposed to learn environmental issues through investigations and discovery (Morelli, 2011). Nonetheless, the new method of sustainability triad is more effective in teaching than the traditional methods. Students can apply the sustainability triad even at the local levels such as local resorts, hotels, and new development projects. The sustainability triad is helpful in understanding whether the three dimensions are congruent or conflicting. The results pave the way to the next step which is finding ways to improve the situation. Developing awareness of the sustainability concept core reading, present critical ideas that are important in developing my essay. The ideas are essential for backing up the essay body. It provides a way of determining whether the three main dimensions of the sustainability concept are in congruence or conflicting (Lozano, 2008). After understanding the status, it then becomes easy in devising the next step. Similarly, it is helpful in backing up the idea of new techniques that can be incorporated in the classroom while teaching students about the concept of sustainability. Third core reading: Brueckner, M., Durey, A., Mayes, R., Pforr, C. (2013). The mining boom and Western Australias changing landscape: Towards sustainability or business as usual?. Rural Society, 22(2), 111-124. Martin Brueckner et al. claims that mining and public reputation has changed as time goes. In the early days mining activities were castigated as being the main factors that disrupted the environment. However, the perception nowadays has changed since the ones involved in mining have significantly invested in socially responsible and sustainable mining (Brueckner, Durey, Mayes, Pforr, 2013). Sustainable mining is now experienced in WA as well as some other parts of the world. Mining cannot be dismissed since it has a lot of benefits. Some benefits according to the article are increased state revenue, increased employment and decreased economic disparities among populations (Petrova, Marinova, 2013). Although mining has some undesired negatives such as environmental degradation and effects to indigenous people, the sustainable mining seems to be the answer to such problems. The state of Western Australia and the mining companies have recently benefited from the adoption of sustainable mining. Revenue and resource extractions have increased tremendously. However, the article claims that the new mining strategy is still vulnerable and does not solve all environmental problems. The articles ideas are fundamental in developing the body of my essay. Some of the essential concepts include the benefits of mining. From the article, several advantages of mining are discussed and thus can be applied in the essay. Similarly, mining has some adverse effects. While exploring the negative impacts of mining regarding sustainability, ideas from the article can be useful. Lastly, the article also provides a good understanding of sustainable mining as well as its ability to solve some sustainability problem. Still, the article offers good ideas on why the sustainable mining could not exclusively address environmental issues. References Heinberg, R., Lerch, D. (2010). What Is Sustainability?. The Post Carbon Reader, 11-19. Kuhlman, T., Farrington, J. (2010). What is sustainability?. Sustainability, 2(11), 3436-3448. Scheirer, M. A. (2005). Is sustainability possible? A review and commentary on empirical studies of program sustainability. American Journal of Evaluation, 26(3), 320-347. Herremans, I. M., Reid, R. E. (2002). Developing awareness of the sustainability concept. The Journal of Environmental Education, 34(1), 16-20. Morelli, J. (2011). Environmental sustainability: A definition for environmental professionals. Journal of environmental sustainability, 1(1), 2. Lozano, R. (2008). Envisioning sustainability three-dimensionally. Journal of cleaner production, 16(17), 1838-1846. Brueckner, M., Durey, A., Mayes, R., Pforr, C. (2013). The mining boom and Western Australias changing landscape: Towards sustainability or business as usual?. Rural Society, 22(2), 111-124. Petrova, S., Marinova, D. (2013). Social impacts of mining: Changes in the local social landscape. Rural Society, 22(2), 153-165.